Monday, 8 February 2016


Hello everyone!! Just felt like doing a small update on things. How is everyone doing? I've been so so busy lately, with school starting and all. My results from NCEA Level 1 were really good, and I was really pleased, although a couple were so close so I'm a little disappointed, although I'll have to get over it. Did any of you sit exams last year and get results? How were they?!

I'm so sad that holidays are finished, and the days are getting shorter and colder. That sucks. I've been mostly hidden away in my room unless i've been at school, jamming out to Chloe's mixtape on spotify (she has a great taste in music I have to add) with some candles and working away on my laptop. 

As you can see from the photo above, I got this cute little grid board this morning as I've been wanting one for ages. Its still very empty and needs a lot more pictures and quotes and miscellaneous items added to it, but its a work in progress. I'm picturing a monochrome theme with some colours weaved in between. How does that sound?

I'm thinking of starting the 30 day minimalism challenge, and I really want to revamp my entire wardrobe and get rid of things I really don't need. I just need to find the right time to start (I keep putting off the minimalism challenge although I really should just do it.)

Right now I'd really like to buy myself a Kikki K diary, although I'm waiting until they come on sale because I'm the sort of person to buy something right before it goes on sale and then get so annoyed when it does go on sale right after i've bought it..

I need to start planning more blog posts, and I really enjoy making youtube videos, so I'll need to brainstorm a few ideas. If you'd like to see any content here please comment below!!

Oh, and not to forget I made some changes to my blog!! I installed disqus for comments, and changed a few colours from pink to light grey. I really like the plain vibe, I got so tired of the pink and am really glad I did change things up a bit. 

I almost forgot to update you all that I got my braces off!!! It was actually the best feeling in the world and I was so pleased after having them on for over 2 years.

Talk again soon,
Michelle x

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